Guided 6-week Microdosing Protocol
Microdosing is one mechanism among many modalities that you can learn to consciously work with to support you on your journey of transformation.
Your guided microdose protocol provides a personalized container in which to explore the benefits of incorporating a regimen of sub-perceptual microdosing of plant medicines, develop a personal relationship with the plants you are working with without the experience of a full-on psychedelic trip, and invites you to show up present in your life in each moment.
Microdosing becomes an invitation to deepen into an intentional daily practice. You will learn how to develop a conscious relationship with yourself in inspired action to facilitate a frequency of inspiration, a sense of well-being, quieting the mind, opening your heart, and creating a more purposeful life by influencing meaningful shifts in perception and sustainable change.
Your guided microdose protocol provides a personalized container in which to explore the benefits of incorporating a regimen of sub-perceptual microdosing of plant medicines, develop a personal relationship with the plants you are working with without the experience of a full-on psychedelic trip, and invites you to show up present in your life in each moment.
Microdosing becomes an invitation to deepen into an intentional daily practice. You will learn how to develop a conscious relationship with yourself in inspired action to facilitate a frequency of inspiration, a sense of well-being, quieting the mind, opening your heart, and creating a more purposeful life by influencing meaningful shifts in perception and sustainable change.
Facilitated Plant Medicine Ceremonies
available in Atlanta, GA and throughout the Southeast
As an experienced facilitator, I provide a safe and secure environment for you to explore the depths of your own consciousness and to deepen your understanding of the spiritual and therapeutic benefits of the sacred use of plant medicines.
Whether you are addressing personal or collective trauma, looking to get to the root of your depression or anxiety, seeking to expand your mind for more creativity and focus, or are seeking to connect to the Realm of the Spirit, a facilitated session may be a useful tool.
Throughout your session, you’ll be able to journey through the mystical and mysterious world of your consciousness to bring about lasting and sustainable long-term benefits from the experience.
Together, we will create a safe space that is conducive to healing and growth so you can comfortably explore the depths of your own consciousness and access inner wisdom and healing in a safe and supported environment.
Whether you are addressing personal or collective trauma, looking to get to the root of your depression or anxiety, seeking to expand your mind for more creativity and focus, or are seeking to connect to the Realm of the Spirit, a facilitated session may be a useful tool.
Throughout your session, you’ll be able to journey through the mystical and mysterious world of your consciousness to bring about lasting and sustainable long-term benefits from the experience.
Together, we will create a safe space that is conducive to healing and growth so you can comfortably explore the depths of your own consciousness and access inner wisdom and healing in a safe and supported environment.
Our sessions are deeply rooted in the sacred ancient traditions of psychospiritual exploration, and it is my goal to create a safe and supportive environment for everyone involved and
deeply honoring the Ancestors, the Earth, the Wisdom Keepers, and the Protectors of the Plant Teachers.
deeply honoring the Ancestors, the Earth, the Wisdom Keepers, and the Protectors of the Plant Teachers.
If you’re looking for a powerful, transformative experience and if you’re ready to take the next step towards creating a life you love, I invite you to contact me today to set up your initial consultation.
“Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it’s a feather bed.” – Terence McKenna